コロナでのどが痛すぎるときに個人的に食べれたものリスト A List of the things I could eat while I infected with COVID-19 and felt pain in my throat. (Personally)







お味噌汁・お出汁 水でさえ痛くて飲めない中、お味噌汁やお出汁はなぜか全然痛みを感じずに飲むことができました。以前Twitterで、「コロナの時、昆布茶だけは飲めた」という投稿を見かけたことがあります。塩分が入ってると大丈夫なのかな?

そば・うどん 出汁が大丈夫だったので、そばやうどんは痛みが少なく食べやすい料理でした。麺を飲み込むときは少し痛かったですが、のどを通らないほどではありませんでした。


冷凍グラタン 私だけなのかもしれませんが、グラタンはそんなに痛くありませんでした。熱いと痛そうだったので、よく冷ましてから食べました。

バナナ味のゼリー飲料 飲み込むと確かな痛みはあったのですが、後述の水やポカリスエットよりはうんとマシで、飲み切ることができました。

ハチミツ のどに良いとよく聞くのでなめてみたところ、トロリとした感じによって飲み込みやすく、ひどい痛みは感じませんでした。


 「しみる」という表現が一番ふさわしい感じの痛みがあり、飲み込むときに涙が出てくるほどでした。薬は水で飲むしかないし、脱水状態になってもいけないので、どうしても飲む必要がありましたが、とにかくキツかった! 「水が飲めない」というのは「二度とコロナになんかかかりたくないな」と一番思わせられるポイントでした。

ポカリスエット 水よりもしみて痛く、どうしても飲めないほどでした。ポカリもお味噌汁みたいに塩分が入ってるはずなのになぜだろう? ネット上に「ポカリは痛くなかった」と書いている人がいらっしゃったので、何が痛くて何が痛くないのかは、もしかすると個人差があるのかもしれません。

硬いもの 飲み込むときにのどを引っ搔いていくような感じがして、痛かったです。




I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

Last month, I got infected with COVID-19 for the first time. Some symptoms appeared like fever and feeling of fatigue. The most things annoyed me was pain in the throat.

The pain was as if there are many tears wound in my throat.

When I drunk beverage, my throat hurt. It was even difficult to drink water.

I'll write what food and beverage I could eat and what food and beverage I couldn't eat at that time.

This note is written by me who has no expertise. And this is my own personal opinion. Please understand.

I could eat

Miso soup and Japanese soup stock "Dashi"

I couldn't drink water because of feeling pain, but I didn't feel pain when I drink Miso soup and Dashi.

Before, I saw the Twitter's post that "When I get COVID-19 and had pain in throat, I could drink only Kobutya*1 ". I wonder salt relieved pain.

Soba and Udon

I could drink Dashi, so it was easy to eat Soba and Udon because Dashi is used them.

When I swallowed noodles, I felt pain a little. But I could eat them.

Frozen gratin

I don't know why but I could eat frozen gratin with little pain. I thought that it gives me pain if gratin is hot, so I ate it after cooling.

Banana taste's Jelly drink

I felt pain when I drink this but the pain was weaker than water and Pocari Sweat*2


I often hear honey is good for throats. So I tried it. It was easy to swallow because of sticky. And I didn't feel pain much.

Difficult to eat


Water hurt my throat very much. Tears came out because of pain. I had to drink water to take medicines and not to be dehydrated. So, I drunk water forcibly. The most thing which makes me think never infect with COVID-19 was "Difficult to drink water".

Pocari Sweat*2

It hurt my throat more than water. So, I couldn't drink it. Despite pocari Sweat has salt, why did it hurt my throat so much? There are the opinion "Pocari didn't hurt my throat" on the internet by other people. The things hurt our throat may be different depending on the person.

Hard food

When I swallowed hard food, I felt pain as if hard food scratches my throat.  

This is all I can remember!

While I infected with COVID-19 and felt pain in my throat, I couldn't water and Pocari. Then, my pee became too thick. I thought that I will be dehydrate without change. So I drunk water forcibly. I want to infect COVID-19 never. Everyone, let's spend our life healthily. The people who felt pain in your throat now, please take care!!


*1 Kobutya: Japanese drink which made of Konbu, Japanese kelps. This drink made of powdered Konbu and hot water and so on. 

*2 Pocari Sweat: Very famous sports drink in Japan. What a unique name!



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