図解!ラジオに送るメールの書き方、自分はこうしてます! How to write e-mail send to radio programs. (I only know Japanese situation)


I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.





都道府県 居住地の都道府県をラジオネームの前に書きます。この部分はあってもなくてもいいと思います。ラジオネームだけでなく都道府県も合わせて読んでほしいかどうかで書くかどうかを決めるといいです。


ラジオネーム ラジオネームを書きます。私は「ラジオネーム:○○」としていますが、コロンを使わなくてはいけないということはないですし、「ラジオネーム」を短縮して「RN」と書く方もいらっしゃいます。


スペース ラジオネームを書いてからメール本文を書きますが、私はラジオネームと本文の間を2行ほど空けて、読みやすくなるようにしています。

本文 番組に送りたい文章を書きます。適度に改行して読みやすくなるようにしています。


スペース 本文の後には住所などの送り主の情報を書きますが、ここでも読みやすくするため、間を2行ほど空けています。

送り主の情報 この部分はあってもなくてもいいと思いますが、ノベルティが存在する番組や、プレゼントをもらえる番組などでは、それらが欲しい場合、住所や氏名、電話番号を書いておきましょう。番組ごとに「プレゼントが欲しい場合は、住所と氏名と電話番号を書いてください」などの案内があることが多いので、それに従って書いてください。

住所 プレゼントが欲しい場合は忘れずに書きましょう。その他に、パーソナリティの方がメールを読んだときに居住地に触れてくれることもあるので、私はノベルティやプレゼントがないラジオにも住所を書いて送っています。

氏名・年齢・性別 年齢と性別は書いても書かなくてもいいと思います。ただ、送ったメールに対し、パーソナリティが、書かれている年齢や性別を踏まえた上でリアクションをくれることがあるので、私は年齢と性別も書くようにしています。

電話番号 これも書いても書かなくてもいいと思いますが、プレゼントがある番組の場合、ほしい人は住所と氏名だけでなく電話番号も書くように言われることがあったり、パーソナリティと電話で話す機会がある番組が存在していたりします。必要に応じて書きましょう。私は基本的に毎回書くようにしています。


件名 番組のコーナーにメールを送る場合、件名が指定されていることが多いです。放送内での案内やホームページなどで確認してみてください。



宛先 各番組で案内されているメールアドレス宛に送りましょう。アドレスを登録しておくと、楽だし生放送中でも素早く送れるので便利です。





I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

*I only know how to send e-mail to Japanese radio programs.

I like listening to the radio. And I often send e-mail to the radio programs.

When I started sending e-mail to the radio programs, I didn't know how to write e-mail for the radio programs which don't have contact form. I have to write e-mail from scratch. Then, I was supported by other people's blogs about how to write e-mail for radio programs. So, this time, I'll show you how to write e-mail foe radio programs!

In some cases, how to write e-mail is shown by radio programs officially. In those cases, please obey them first of all.  

An example of how to write e-mail.

prefecture Write prefecture you live. This part doesn't have to be there or not. You should choice to write or not based on whether you want to radio personalities read prefecture you live. 

There are both radio programs prefecture is raed by personality and prefecture is not raed by personality. So, I have written my prefecture only when I send e-mail to the radio program which personality usually read listener's prefecture. 

radio name*1 Write your radio name. I write in this form, 「radio name:○○」. But there is no rule you have to use colon. And there are some people who write "RN" shorted from radio name.

When you forget to write radio name, I think that your e-mail will be introduced with no radio name in many cases.   

space I write the main body next to radio name. To be easy to read, I leave about two line blank.

the main body write sentence you want to send to radio programs. I start a new line moderately to be easy to read.

And, I write the pronunciations of difficult Kanj and not familiar Kanji like place name's Kanji.

space I write information of sender like address and name after I write main body.  To be easy to read, I also leave about two line blank to be easy to read.

information of sender This part doesn't have to be there or not. But there are radio programs give us presents. If you want those, you should write your address, name, and phone number. In many cases, it is announced "if you want present, you have to write address, name, phone number". Please obey it. 

your address Don't forget to write your address if you want presents. And some cases, when the personalities read our e-mail, they talk on the bases of listener's living area. So, I write my address even e-mail sending to radio without presents. 

your name・age・sex Age and sex don't have to be there or not. But some cases, when the personalities read our e-mail, they talk on the bases of listener's age or sex. So, I always write those. 

your phone number Your phone number doesn't have to be or not neither. But, in the cases there are presents, it is announced "if you want present, you have to write address, name, phone number". And, once in a while, you have a chance to talk with radio personalities on the phone. Please write it if you feel to need. I always write my phone number. 


Subject of e-mail In many cases when you send e-mail to segment of radio programs, there are predefined subjects. Check the subjects announced on the website or on air. When I send e-mail which subjects isn't predefined, I write 「Futuota」 (shorted from "Futuu-No-Otayori" means "normal letter" The word Futuota usually use in Japanese many radio programs.) or 「the simple summary of e-mail sentence」for subject.  And, when I send e-mail while live broadcast, I write the words「reaction mail」「my opinion」「the word summarizing e-mail sentences」 for subjects.

radio program's address Please send to radio program's address which in announced by each radio programs. It is good to register your favorite radio program's address because we can send e-mail easily and fast.

That's all!

I have sent e-mail to various radio programs like nationwide comedy radio show, music radio program, and regional radio program with this format.

This format in not the only way. Some people write radio name bottom of the main body. There are many ways to write e-mail for radio programs. My format is one of the many formats. I'm glad if this article supports you!

Note *1 「radio name」 radio name is nickname of sending e-mail to radio programs in Japanese. In Japan, most radio listener send e-mail with radio name, not real name. 




昔の映画をスクリーンで観た③「アラビアのロレンス」~午前十時の映画祭の思い出~ I watched old movie at the movie theater③ "Lawrence of Arabia"