昔の映画をスクリーンで観た③「アラビアのロレンス」~午前十時の映画祭の思い出~ I watched old movie at the movie theater③ "Lawrence of Arabia"

英作文を練習するため、英文も付けています。英語が得意でないため文法などに間違いが多くあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。 I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.





1962年公開の、227分の超大作!! 午前十時の映画祭での上映は4Kで行われました。

↓そのテーマ曲(Overture/序曲)はこちら(違法アップロードでない認識である、「トピック チャンネル」という、YouTubeによって自動生成されるチャンネルの動画を埋め込んでいます。)




「アラビアのロレンス」フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア日本語版
アラビアのロレンス - Wikipedia 2024年4月30日20時(日本時間)現在での最新版を取得

その、 音楽だけの冒頭も終わり、スクリーンにバイクで走る男性の姿が映し出され、映画が始まりました。












さらに、以前の記事でも触れましたが、(その以前の記事はこちら(内部リンク)→ 「オッペンハイマー」をIMAXで見た個人的な感想 Personal impression of watching "Oppenheimer" in IMAX (gotchampotch.blogspot.com) )







「砂漠の英雄と百年の悲劇」 - 映像の世紀バタフライエフェクト - NHK







英作文を練習するため、英文も付けています。英語が得意でないため文法などに間違いが多くあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。 I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

午前十時の映画祭 is a project in which a various classic movies are screened in one year at the movie theaters around Japan, once a day during one or two weeks.

↓The official website of "午前十時の映画祭" (external link)

↓The schedule of films to be screened this year in "午前十時の映画祭" (external link)

In 午前十時の映画祭, "Lawrence of Arabia"(227minutes version) was screened in June 2023.

This movie is a 227-minute big piece released in 1962!! The screening at 午前十時の映画祭 was in 4K.

I had heard the famous theme song for this movie composed by Maurice Jarre.
↓The theme song (Overture)is here (The video is a channel automatically generated by YouTube called a "topic channel". I recognize it is not an illegal upload.)

But I have not watched this movie because I didn't have the confidence to stay focused in front of the TV for 227 minutes, 3 hours and 47 minutes.
I thought that I would only be able to watch it in a movie theater, which is a place where we can watch a movie from beginning to end without touching our smartphone. As soon as I heard that this movie would be shown at the movie theater in 午前十時の映画祭, I decided to go watch it.

When the screening started, in the screen, nothing was displayed, and the overture began to play.

I thought that "Unexpected equipment trouble?" So, I stared in suspense at the black screen and continued listening to the overture, but later, I found out that "periods where only music plays without visuals" was common in old big pieces!

After the music-only opening was over, a man riding a motor bike appeared on the screen, and the movie began.

After watching this movie for 227 minutes, including the intermission, from beginning to end in a movie theater environment, I really felt that "This is a beautiful movie".

This is a movie about war. Of course I'm completely against war. I do not mean that war is beautiful. I say that "This movie is beautiful".

After Lawrence blows out red fire of matchstick, a desert illuminated by the red sun.

A black dot like a sesame seed approaches from across the desert, and the sesame seed gradually becomes a human shadow. The first appearing scene of Sherif Ali.

Lawrence dressed in white Arab clothes blowing in the sunny desert's wind.

Sea of Aqaba.

I felt that what beautiful scenes these are on the big screen, especially in 4K.

This movie may reflect the "beauty" of the desert that Lawrence, who was fascinated by desert and loved the desert, felt.

By the end of the beautiful and sad 227 minutes, the Coke I had bought before the screening had lost its carbonation and its ice were melted and turning into lukewarm black sugar water.

And even though I came to the theater early in the morning, the sun was just starting to set when I went outside from theater.

I will never forget the wizardly experience of emerging from the extraordinary space I had been in for 227 minutes and being surprised by the lukewarm sugar water and the setting sun.

In addition, as I mentioned in a previous article, (the previous article is here→ 「オッペンハイマー」をIMAXで見た個人的な感想 Personal impression of watching "Oppenheimer" in IMAX (gotchampotch.blogspot.com) (internal link) )

I have no knowledge of world history.

Embarrassingly, I've never heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and I learned about British foreign policy on Palestine in the early 20th century at first by watching this movie.

However, because of this movie, I'm interested in those things, and I began to gradually research the era in which Lawrence lived. 
About 4 months after watching this movie, the war between Hamas and Israel began.

I feel sad that a war had started in reality, not in fiction, in an area that I knew well by watching this movie.

Wherever in the world wars break out, I feel very sad, angry, and disgusted, 
but especially it was heartbreaking for me that in this day and age, wars have started in areas appear in this movie, and that various long-standing causes, featured in this movie, have led to wars and the war is still going on today.

 in this modern day, wars start in the area where appear in the movie and the war is caused by various long-standing causes that are also featured in the movie. 
It was especially heartbreaking for me to think that the war is still going on today.

Because I watched this movie, I started to pay a little more attention to the news than before, and I tried to watch NHK programs relating this matter, so it was good for me watching "Lawrence of Arabia" also on this point.

↑I watched this episode of NHK's documentary program, "Butterfly Effect." I think the flow up to the present day was explained easily to understand. (External link)

As mentioned above, "Lawrence of Arabia" is a movie that I am really glad watching.

By the way, "Doctor Zhivago" directed by David Lean, the same as Lawrence of Arabia, and stars Omar Sharif, who played Sherif Ali in Lawrence of Arabia, and the music is by Maurice Jarre, the same composer as Lawrence of Arabia, and big piece like Lawrence of Arabia,197-minute masterpiece, will be screened in next February in Japan at 午前十時の映画祭!
I've only heard of "Lala's Theme", so I definitely have to go to watch it in theaters!!

I only know the song, but Lala's theme is really good. ↓

I wonder if my impression to this song will change if I watch the movie.

I will write about my experience to watch Doctor Zhivago next year!

See you again!




図解!ラジオに送るメールの書き方、自分はこうしてます! How to write e-mail send to radio programs. (I only know Japanese situation)