桑港(雨に唄えばの楽曲初出映画紹介シリーズ①) San Francisco (Introducing first appearance movies of songs sung in "Singin' in the Rain" ①)




雨に唄えばの後半、ようやく出来上がった映画の試写会で流れる、ドンとリナ(キャシーの吹き替えで)が歌う一曲、「Would You?」。


「Would You?」 は、映画・桑港のテーマソングというわけではなく、数多く歌われる楽曲のうちの一つという印象。しかし、劇中で2回流れ(記憶違いで回数が間違っていたらごめんなさい)、そのうちの一回は少しおかしみが含まれるシーンで、思わずフフッとなりました。

この映画でテーマソングとなっているのは「San Francisco」という曲。ジャネット・マクドナルドが劇中で何度も歌う明るい楽曲で、とても印象に残ります。この曲はサンフランシスコ市の市歌のうちの一つとなっているそうです。





雨に唄えばで歌われた「Would You?」の初出映画である「桑港」、ぜひご覧になってみてください。


Amazon Prime Videoには、字幕版と吹き替え版の両方があります。

Amazon Prime Video 「桑港」(字幕版)
Amazon Prime Video 「桑港」(吹き替え版)

レンタルや購入ができますが、Amazon Primeの方なら追加料金なしで見られる、Prime Video対象作品です。(2024年4月17日現在)




地名が出てくる映画の曲リスト The List of movie songs appear place name in its lyrics (gotchampotch.blogspot.com)



I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

[I use advertising in this article]

Japanese part of this article contains affiliate links.

In "Singin' in the Rain", the song "Would You?" is sung by Don and Rina (dubbed by Kathy) in second half of this movie, the scene of preview of film.

This song appealed in the MGM's movie which title is "San Francisco" for the first time. "San Francisco" was released in 1936. Clark Gable and Jeanette MacDonald are starring.

"Would You?" is not main theme song in this movie. It is one of a lot of songs sung in this movie.

But, this song is sung in this movie twice (I'm sorry as if I remember times by mistake). And one scene this song is sung have a little humor. I smiled to see the scene.

The theme song of the movie "San Francisco" is "San Francisco". Jeanette MacDonald sings this song many times in the movie. This song is bright and memorable. I heard that this song is one of the San Francisco city's songs.

I'll show you about the story of this movie a little.

Mary, acted by Jeanette MacDonald become a singer who sings at the bar run by Blackie act by Clark Gable. Mary sings every day at the Blackie's bar with a dream of to be an opera singer.

Blackie have a hard affection for Mary. Mary doesn't accept his affection at first. But Mary become to have an affection for Blackie little by little. Then, the chance to be an opera singer comes to Mary......

In the last half of this movie, a certain occurrence which actually happened at San Francisco in 1906 makes the story move.  I didn't know about this occurrence due to ignorance. The expressive style about this occurrence in this movie surprised me because of its force. I thought "how did they shot such scenes in the old days?"

The managing method about this occurrence to prevent the spread of the secondly damage in those days is also shot in this movie. The outcome of the method is wanted by nobody. But that was the only way. I felt regret to watch these scenes.

The last scene which has a lot of hope to live every day to the future impressed my heart.

 "San Francisco", the first appearance movie of "Would You?", the song sung in "Singin' in the Rain", please check out!

Postscript: I wrote new article which refer to "San Francisco" a little. If you are interested in it, please read. ↓

地名が出てくる映画の曲リスト The List of movie songs appear place name in its lyrics (gotchampotch.blogspot.com)

See you again!



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