
iOS18 of Japanese version is not still fixed a bug occurred for years

I am Japanese live in Japan.   I update my iPhone's OS to iOS18.   Unfortunately, the bug occurred since iOS15 is not still fixed.   The bug is that. In "Mail" app pre-installed on iPhone, when we write a sentence once, save it as a draft, edit it further, and save it as a draft for the second time onward , line breaks are added at the top.   This issue doesn't happen when I save draft for the first time. The blank line appears after when I save draft the second time onward.   Every time I save a draft for the second or third time, the line breaks increase by one or two lines. If I repeat editing and saving of sentence, a lot of blank lines are made!!   The similar problems are reported in the Japanese Apple community, and I have reported it to Apple Support several times, but there has been no fixed yet!   I use email of iPhone a lot, so it's a small thing, but it's really bothersome bug. I hope it gets fixed soon! ! ! Mail app ...

Lyrics of Creepy Nuts have dialects ~Interesting similarity between Creepy Nuts and Mary Poppins~

I am Japanese. I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding. introduction Hi! I am Japanese . I’m sorry that I am not good at English very well. I like Japanese Hip-Hop unit " Creepy Nuts " very much and I like musical movies too.   I started to listen Hip-Hop music because of I started to like Creepy Nuts. I thought that it is very interesting Hip-Hop song's lyrics make a rhyme. The lyrics of Japanese songs often do not rhyme. But, almost Hip-Hop song, even if Japanese Hip-Hop songs, rhyme a lot.    Japanese Hip-Hop songs' rhyme surprised me, "What interesting things Japanese and words are!"   R-shitei (R-指定 さん)  who makes Creepy Nuts' lyrics is like a great magician of words, creating words with rhymes, double meanings, triple meanings, and even more meaning.  He always manipulate word freely.   By the way, R-shitei was born and raised in Osaka prefecture . Osaka is the ...

I watched 3hours movie after eating Castella

I am Japanese. I write this blog not only in Japanese but also in English. But I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding. In April, I went to watch the movie "Oppenheimer" at the theater in Japan. But, the running time of "Oppenheimer" was  3 hours . There was a big problem. The  toilet . I wonder if my bladder will be able to withstand 3 hours (along with the feeling that going to the bathroom will be a nuisance and I might miss out on the scene I want to see)!? Even I watched "Napoleon" ( 2 hours and 38 minutes ) a while ago, my bladder was at its limit! When I watched "My Fair Lady" ( 2 hours 50 minutes)  and "Lawrence of Arabia" (amazingly,  3 hours 47 minutes !!), at the movie theater at 午前十時の映画祭*1,  even though these movies had a toilet break called "Intermission"!! I became worried and researched ways to  suppress the urge to urinate . ...


4月に映画「 オッペンハイマー 」を 映画館へ 見に行ったのですが、上映時間が 3時間 でした。 問題となってくるのが「 トイレ 」。果たして私の膀胱は、3時間という長時間(それも「トイレに行くと迷惑になっちゃうし、見たい場面を逃しちゃうかも」という気持ちを伴いながら)に耐えられるのだろうか!? もう少し前に見た「ナポレオン」( 2時間38分 )でも膀胱が限界だったというのに! 午前十時の映画祭で映画館で観れた「マイ・フェア・レディ」( 2時間50分 )も、「アラビアのロレンス 完全版」(驚異の 3時間47分 !!)も、 インターミッション という名の トイレ休憩 があったというのに!! 不安になって、 尿意を抑える方法 を調べまくったところ、 こちらのサイト を見つけました。 ↓(外部リンク) 【尿意を抑える食べ物】餅以外でトイレ対策になる食べ物を探してみた【長時間我慢】 (outdoor-coffee.com) 「 山と珈琲、心の一杯 」というウェブサイトで、 糖質は体内で水分と結びつくため、糖質の含まれた食べ物を食べておくと尿意が抑えられるということ と、 日本のコンビニで買える糖質の高い食べ物について が、 大変詳しくわかりやすく 解説されていました。 出典:「 山と珈琲、心の一杯 」 ( https://blog.outdoor-coffee.com/?p=12315 ) このサイトに、「 カステラ 」は糖質がとても高くおすすめであるという旨が書かれていたため、 私も、映画館の近くでカステラ(記事にあった、セブンイレブンのもの)を購入し、食べてから映画鑑賞に臨みました。 結論から言うと、 余裕で耐えられました!! その日の映画が始まるまでの私の状況を詳しく説明しますと、 ・オッペンハイマーの上映は13時過ぎから16時過ぎまで ・その日は朝から、水はあまり飲まないようにしていた ・12時過ぎに、お昼ご飯(セブンイレブンのから揚げが入った大き目のおにぎり一つ)と、セブンイレブンのカステラ1パック(3切れ)を、飲み物なしで食べた ・映画館に移り、トイレに一度行く。 ・尿意対策をやりすぎたのか、のどが渇きすぎていたし、普段も飲み物は購入しているので、映画化の売店でコーラSを購入し、座席について数口飲む ・まだ時間があったので、最後のトイレで、おしっこを出し切る と...

I watched old movie at the movie theater② "Cinderella" Disney100 Film Festival in Japan

I am Japanese. I write this blog not only in Japanese but also in English. But I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding. In 2023 the year of  Disney's 100th anniversary , also in Japan, we could experience various celebrate Disney projects. For example, Disney's digital stamp rally, the 100th anniversary movie "Wish", and a short film called "Once Upon a Studio" in which appear various characters from previous Disney movies. One of such projects was " Disney 100 Film Festival ". This is an event where classic Disney animations that are loved by everyone were released in movie theaters on weekend in October. I heard that the lineup of movies differs depending on the country. In Japan , the lineup was like this. 1. Frozen  (played 1st October) 2. Big Hero 6  (played 8th October) 3. Cinderella  (played 14th October) 4. Moana  (played 15th October) 5. The Little Merma...

I watched old movie at the movie theater① "My Fair Lady"

I am Japanese. I write this blog not only in Japanese but also in English. But I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding. I start  new article series  in which I write about the experience of watching old masterpieces movies in movie theater screens in present day through revival screenings and so on. The memorable first article of this series is "My Fair Lady", released in 1964, starring Audrey Hepburn. Do you know "午前十時の映画祭" ? *1 (Gozen-Juji-No-Eigasai, it means "Film festival at 10 AM") The project is to screen various classic movies throughout the year at movie theaters in various locations of Japan, once a day for one to two weeks. ↓The official website of "午前十時の映画祭" (external link) 午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com) ↓The schedule of films to be screened this year in "午前十時の映画祭" (external link) 上映スケジュール - 午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com) 午前十時の映画祭 ...

Which is the building Garden Court Apartments?

I am Japanese. I write this blog not only in Japanese but also in English. But I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding. Last article, I wrote about relation between the movie, "Singin' in the Rain" and the movie, "Minions". The article is here↓ ミニオンズ(「雨に唄えば」の曲が使われてる後年の映画紹介シリーズ①) introducing later movie which use songs played in "Singin' in the Rain" ① "Minions" (gotchampotch.blogspot.com) "Minions" is distributed by Universal Pictures. In Universal Studios Japan, there are many minion facility, minion ride, minion food, etc. In addition, there is the thing related to "Singin' in the Rain" in USJ.  In USJ, there are many " set facade " which is  the construction reproduced movie sets . Each set facade has golden panel be written "What is the name of this building and what movie is this building from."" For...