ゲームで知った曲① Songs I knew from video games① 「Hard Times Come Again No More」(シヴィライゼーションⅥ CivilizationⅥ)




このメロディー良いなと感じ、ゲームオリジナル曲かと思って調べてみると、このゲームで流れる曲は、世界各国の民謡等をアレンジした音楽が多く、私が気になっていたアメリカの音楽は、スティーブン・フォスター作曲の、「Hard Times Come Again No More」という曲とのこと!(ちなみに日本の指導者を選択すると大半の時間で流れているのは、「五木の子守唄」のアレンジだそうです)

フォスターは、あの美しい曲の「夢路より」とか、めちゃ有名な「おおスザンナ」とかは結構好きでよく聴いていたのですが、「Hard Times Come Again No More」という曲はCiv6で初めて知りました。

フォスターの曲は印象的な馴染みやすいメロディーであることが多いと思うのですが、「Hard Times Come Again No More」も親しみやすいメロディーで、Civ6で遊んでいてすぐに好きになりました。




I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

I often play "Sid Meier's Civilization VI" (In this article, for short "Civ6"). I bought Nintendo Switch version and Steam Version and I play with both.

In this game, we select a leader who leads a certain civilization, and we aim at winning to be a top of the world. We can choose one way from the 5 ways, "domination, science, culture, religion, diplomacy" (I don't know the expression of civ6's 5 way to win in English. These are literal translation of Japanese expression. Sorry.)  

When we choose "America" from many civilizations, we listen to a certain melody most of the times. The melody is arranged according to era in the games. (In the game, the melody is rusticity in ancient era, the melody is solemn in nuclear power era)  

I started to like this melody. I search about this melody, I found that the melodies used in this game are arranged from songs around the world like folk song for the most part. The melody of America I was interested is the melody arranged from Stephen Foster's song, "Hard Times Come Again No More" !  (By the way, the song we can listen when we choose Japanese leader is the song be arranged from "Lullaby of Itsuki" (Itsuki-no-komoriuta))

I have listened to Foster's songs like the beautiful song, "Beautiful Dreamer" and the very famous song, "Oh, Susanna" frequently. But I didn't know "Hard Times Come Again No More" until I play Civ6.

I think that a lot of Foster's songs have impressive and familiar melodies.  "Hard Times Come Again No More" has friendly melody too. I started to like this song at once.

When I know songs triggered by playing video game, I can feel attachment to these songs more. I will continue to write such experiences.   

See you again!



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