I watched 3hours movie after eating Castella
I am Japanese. I write this blog not only in Japanese but also in English. But I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding. In April, I went to watch the movie "Oppenheimer" at the theater in Japan. But, the running time of "Oppenheimer" was 3 hours . There was a big problem. The toilet . I wonder if my bladder will be able to withstand 3 hours (along with the feeling that going to the bathroom will be a nuisance and I might miss out on the scene I want to see)!? Even I watched "Napoleon" ( 2 hours and 38 minutes ) a while ago, my bladder was at its limit! When I watched "My Fair Lady" ( 2 hours 50 minutes) and "Lawrence of Arabia" (amazingly, 3 hours 47 minutes !!), at the movie theater at 午前十時の映画祭*1, even though these movies had a toilet break called "Intermission"!! I became worried and researched ways to suppress the urge to urinate . ...