ミニオンズ(「雨に唄えば」の曲が使われてる後年の映画紹介シリーズ①) introducing later movie which use songs played in "Singin' in the Rain" ① "Minions"






桑港(雨に唄えばの楽曲初出映画紹介シリーズ①) San Francisco (Introducing first appearance movies of songs sung in "Singin' in the Rain" ①) (gotchampotch.blogspot.com)

ブロードウェイ・メロディー(雨に唄えばの楽曲初出映画紹介シリーズ②)The Broadway Melody (Introducing first appearance movies of songs sung in "Singin' in the Rain" ②) (gotchampotch.blogspot.com




ミニオンが歌を歌うシーンもあるにぎやかな映画ですが、その中の一曲が、「雨に唄えば」で、ドナルド・オコナ―演じるコズモー・ブラウンが、超絶壁駆け上がりダンスをしながら歌う「Make'Em Laugh」なのです!


映画公開時、「雨に唄えば」がすでに大好きになっていた私は、この曲を映画館で聴け、スタッフロールのときにスクリーン上に「Singing in the Rain」、「Arthur Freed」、「Nacio Brown」などという文字が並んでいるのを見られたことに感動しました。当時の自分は、1952年公開の「雨に唄えば」がスクリーンで見られることはないと思い込んでいましたからね。



「雨に唄えば」上映作品詳細 - 午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com)

午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com)

「雨に唄えば」はこれまでも午前十時の映画祭で上映されたそうですが、その時の私はまだ、「午前十時の映画祭」の存在を知らなかったため、今年度また上映してくれるのが嬉しくてたまりません。絶対見に行くぞ!!!! みんなも見に行こう!!!!


私のような雨に唄えば好きの方、ぜひ一度、ミニオンたちが歌うMake'Em Laughも聴いてみてください。

逆にミニオン好きの方は、「雨に唄えば」の、ゆかいな本家Make'Em Laughのシーンを見てみてください。



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英作文を練習するため、英文も付けています。英語が得意でないため文法などに間違いが多くあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。 I write this blog in English to practice writing in English. I'm not good at English, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

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Japanese part of this article contains affiliate links.

Almost songs used in Singin' in the Rain are songs that had already been used in other films. These songs were written by Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown before they made Singin' in the Rain.

"Then, what is the originally movies of songs sung in Singin' in the Rain?" 
So, I have written the series, "Introducing first appearance movies of songs sung in "Singin' in the Rain" twice.

The series is this↓(Jump to other articles in this blog)

桑港(雨に唄えばの楽曲初出映画紹介シリーズ①) San Francisco (Introducing first appearance movies of songs sung in "Singin' in the Rain" ①) (gotchampotch.blogspot.com)

ブロードウェイ・メロディー(雨に唄えばの楽曲初出映画紹介シリーズ②)The Broadway Melody (Introducing first appearance movies of songs sung in "Singin' in the Rain" ②) (gotchampotch.blogspot.com

I'll continue this series (I really want to watch "The Hollywood Revue of 1929" but is there Japanese subtitle version???)

And I also start new series that introducing the movie which use songs played in "Singin' in the Rain" and which was made after Singin' in the Rain"!

The memorable first article of this series is "Minions" released in 2015. This movie features the well-known popular character, Minion.

It's a lively movie with scenes in which Minions sing. One of the songs is "Make' Em Laugh"! It is sung by Cosmo Brown, played by Donald O'Connor in "Singin' in the Rain," with O'Connor's amazing running up a cliff and dancing. 

In "Minions", many Minions sing this song in chorus with not English but probably Minion's language.

When the movie was released, I had already loved "Singing in the Rain".  I was very impressed that I could hear this song in the theater and I could watch letters, "Singing in the Rain", "Arthur Freed" and "Nacio Brown" on the screen during the staff roll. Because, at that time, I thought that we can never watch "Singin' in the Rain", the movie released in 1952, on the theater's big screen.

However, the movie that will be shown in March at this year's 「午前十時の映画祭」*1 is "Singin' in the Rain"!!

↓The link to external website, 「午前十時の映画祭」's website.

「雨に唄えば」上映作品詳細 - 午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com)

午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com)

I heard that "Singin' in the Rain" has been screened at 午前十時の映画祭 in the past, but I didn't know the existence of 午前十時の映画祭 at that time, so I am so happy that "Singin' in the Rain" is showing again this year.

 I'll definitely go to watch!!!! Let's go to watch, everyone!!!!

My enthusiasm for "Singin' in the Rain" is too increasing. 

If you like Singin' in the Rain like me, please try to listen to "Make' Em Laugh" sung by the Minions.

On the other hand, if you like Minions, check out the hilarious "Make 'Em Laugh " scene of "Singin' in the Rain".

See you again!


*1:午前十時の映画祭 "Gozen-Juji-No-Eigasai" it means "10AM film festival".

This is the Japanese event that old masterpiece movies is shown in movie theater.

We can watch old various masterpiece movies in many parts of Japan's movie theaters. 

In 午前十時の映画祭, foreign movie is shown with Japanese subtitle not Japanese dubbing. So, people who can't listen Japanese well can enjoy movies.

You can see this year's 午前十時の映画祭's movie line up to this URL.↓ (External website's link, 「午前十時の映画祭」's website.)

上映スケジュール - 午前十時の映画祭14 デジタルで甦る永遠の名作 (eiga.com)



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