Lyrics of Creepy Nuts have dialects ~Interesting similarity between Creepy Nuts and Mary Poppins~
I am Japanese. I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.
Hi! I am Japanese. I’m sorry that I am not good at English very well.
I like Japanese Hip-Hop unit "Creepy Nuts" very much and I like musical movies too.
I started to listen Hip-Hop music because of I started to like Creepy Nuts.
I thought that it is very interesting Hip-Hop song's lyrics make a rhyme.
The lyrics of Japanese songs often do not rhyme. But, almost Hip-Hop song, even if Japanese Hip-Hop songs, rhyme a lot.
Japanese Hip-Hop songs' rhyme surprised me, "What interesting things Japanese and words are!"
R-shitei (R-指定 さん) who makes Creepy Nuts' lyrics is like a great magician of words, creating words with rhymes, double meanings, triple meanings, and even more meaning.
He always manipulate word freely.
By the way, R-shitei was born and raised in Osaka prefecture. Osaka is the area which has distinctive dialects. It is called Osaka-ben(大阪弁) or Kansai-ben(関西弁).
(Osaka-ben means the dialect of Osaka. Kansai-ben means the dialect of Kansai. Kansai(関西) means the area which contains Osaka and Kyoto and so on. Kansai-ben conteins not only Osaka-ben but also other dialects of Kansai area. (Johto region of Pokemon is inspired Kansai) )
R-shitei often uses Kansai dialect or Kansai accent in his lyrics.
Tarinai-Futari (たりないふたり) Rhymes with dialects of Creepy Nuts
"たりないふたり"(Tarinai-Futari)is one song of Creepy Nuts.
👇“Tarinai Futari” of the official CreepyNuts channel on YouTube
This song's lyric is also used the Kansai dialect, and the first phrase that appears in the lyrics is the one shown in the quote below.
「調子どない」Lyrics: R-shitei Composer: DJ MatsunagaQuote from “Tarinai Futari”, a song included in the 2016 mini album “Tarinai Futari”作詞:R-指定 作曲:DJ松永2016年のミニアルバム「たりないふたり」に収録の楽曲、「たりないふたり」からの引用
I explain about「調子どない」. 「調子どない」are pronounced "Tyoushi Donai".
If we say "What's Up?" or "How are You?" in casual phrase of Japanese, it is「調子どう?」(Tyoushi Dou?).
The Kansai dialect of 「調子どう?」is 「調子どない?」(Tyoushi Donai?)
The song begins with the word "Tyoushi Donai", and from then on, the rhyme continues with the "ai" of "Donai".
Similarly to this, there is an example of rhyming using dialects, and strangely, just like in "Tarinai Futari", the rhyme begins with the sound "ai" that appears due to the use of an dialect.
It is an English song of a musical movie! !
Jolly Holiday Rhymes with dialects of Mary Poppins
The song is "Jolly Holiday", which is a song from the Disney musical movies released in 1964 "Mary Poppins", starring Julie Andrews.
👇Jolly holiday from a not illegal channel automatically generated by YouTube called “Topic”
This song is sung by the street performer Bert, played by Dick Van Dyke, who is a friend of the main character, Mary, played by Julie Andrews.
The opening phrase of the lyrics is as quoted below.
Ain't It a glorious day?Right as a mornin' in May?I feel like I could flyLyrics and music: Richard M. Sherman, Robert B. ShermanQuote from Jolly Holiday, a song from the 1964 film "Mary Poppins"作詞・作曲:リチャード・M・シャーマン、ロバート・B・シャーマン1964年の映画「メリー・ポピンズ」の劇中歌、楽しい休日(Jolly Holiday)からの引用
Mary Poppins is set in London. This song uses London dialect (probably Cockney, which was also featured "My Fair Lady" which released same year of Marry Poppins.) (please let me know if I'm wrong!) .
In this song "day" is pronounced as "dai", "May" is pronounced as "Mai",
and "day", "May", and "fly" all rhyme with "ai", and the rhyme of "ai" continues after this.
Miraculously, the exact same thing happens in the English song "Jolly Holiday" as in the Japanese song "Tarinai Futari"! ! !
(Say something just in case, I am in no way saying that R-shitei plagiarized)
Osaka, Japan (to be exact, R-shitei is from Sakai City) and London, England.
It's so interesting that
A miracle that the exact same thing is happening in two songs made using dialects of two distant places,
The attraction of "words" that humans use
And the fact that humans can manipulate these words and turn them into art...
I strongly impressed by these things. That's why I wrote this article.
I can't understand my favorite musical movie's English lyrics directry. I can't understand how amazing Eminem's lyrics and talk of Mickey Mouse's subtle nuance compare to native English people.
But I am so Happy that I can understand Creepy Nuts' songs directly. I strongly think that I am lucky that I could born same area and same era as two of Creepy Nuts.
Thank You for reading!!!